
Respiratory (12%) Core Clinical Conditions

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Definition Aetiology Pathophysiology Risk factor Sign and Symptoms Investigations Management


Influenza or common flu is a common contagious viral illness that affects the respiratory system. 


  • RNA virus - influenza virus (flu).

  • Airborne droplets.

  • Touching contaminated surfaces.


  1. Influenza virus infiltrated the body through the resp. tract.

  2. Virus enters cells > replication > damage to host cells > immune response triggered causing symptoms of cough, generalised aches and pains, fever.

Risk factors

  • Obesity.

  • Age: < 5 years old and > 65 years old are more at risk. 

  • Asthma, diabetes and heart diseases.  

  • Travelling in areas with raised influenza risk. 

  • Pregnancy.

  • Un Vaccinated against influenza.

Sign and symptoms

  • Fever. 

  • Cough.

  • Headache.

  • Generalised muscle ache and pain.

  • Tiredness.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

Diagnosis and investigations

  • Good history and physical examination - mainly respiratory + cardiac, heart rate (Hr), respiratory rate ( RR), pulse oximetry.

  • Swab or PCR for definite diagnosis.


  • Vaccination.

  • Symptomatic relief - over the counter medication (OTC) to relieve fever, pain and cough.

  • Hospitalisation if the patient is severely unwell. 


Checkout How to take a history of Cough

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