The percentage value associated with each topic, such as Cardiology (12%), represents the weight or importance of that particular topic in relation to the national examination for physician associates. It indicates how likely it is for questions related to that subject to appear on the exam.

In this case, a higher percentage value signifies that Cardiology carries greater significance and is more likely to be tested in the national examination. It suggests that a substantial portion of the exam questions may focus on Cardiology, requiring physician associates to have a strong understanding of this topic.

Conversely, topics with lower percentage values would have less weight and are relatively less likely to be emphasised in the exam. While they may still appear in the examination, they might not be as prominent or extensively tested as topics with higher percentage values.

Understanding the weight assigned to each topic can help physician associates prioritise their studying and allocate more time and effort to subjects that have a higher likelihood of appearing on the national examination. It allows them to focus on areas that are considered more important for their professional knowledge and competence.

It is important for physician associates to be well-prepared across all topics, regardless of their weightage, as the examination aims to assess their comprehensive understanding and proficiency in various areas of medical practice.


Cardiology (12%)

Cardiology System.

Respiratory (12%)

Respiratory System.

Gastroenterology / Nutrition (12%)

Gastroenterology System.

Neurology (9%)

Neurology System Content.

Psychiatry (9%)

Psychiatry System Content.

Ear, Nose and Throat (5%)

ENT System Content.

Musculoskeletal (6%)

Musculoskeletal System Content.

Reproductive (7%)

Reproductive System Content.

Endocrine (8%)

Endocrine System Content.

Haematology (3%)

Haematology System Content.

Dermatology (5%)

Dermatology System Content.

Urinary / Renal (6%)

Renal System Content.

Ophthalmology ( 5%)

Ophthalmology content.


Infectious Disease (3%)

Infectious diseases content.