Cystic Fibrosis

Respiratory (12%) Core Clinical Conditions

2B The Physician Associate is able to undertake the day to day management of the patient and condition once the diagnosis and strategic management decisions have been made by another.

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Definition Aetiology Pathophysiology Risk factor Sign and Symptoms Investigations Management


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary disease that affects a number of organs and results in the buildup of thick mucus in various parts of the body.


Mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. This is an autosomal recessive condition.


Abnormality in the CFTR gene > ion transport defect > build of mucus in pancreas, GI, lungs, bile duct.

Risk factors

Family history of CF.

Sign and symptoms

  • Recurrent lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) + sputum production.

  • Wheezing.

  • Coughing.

  • Shortness of breath.

  • Failure to thrive. 

  • Jaundice.

  • Diarrhoea and/or constipation.

  • O/E: finger clubbing, wheeze, crepitation on auscultation.

Diagnosis and investigations

  • Sweat test.

  • CXR / CT thorax. 

  • Genetic testing for CFTR gene. 

  • Lung function test. 

  • Sputum culture. 

  • Routine bloods:  FBC, U&Es, Hba1c, LFTs and D.


  • No cure, only symptoms relieve. 

  • Antibiotics treatment for chest infection.

  • Specialist treatment.

  • Chest physiotherapy. 

  • In severe cases lung transplant may be considered.


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