Heart Failure
Definition | Aetiology | Pathophysiology | Risk Factors | Signs and Symptoms | Investigations | Management | Patient Advice
Heart Failure is a clinical syndrome characterised by the heart's inability to pump blood effectively to meet the body's needs. This results in symptoms such as breathlessness, fatigue, and fluid retention.
Common causes include:
- Ischaemic Heart Disease: most common cause, often due to previous myocardial infarction.
- Hypertension: long standing high blood pressure leading to left ventricular hypertrophy.
- Cardiomyopathies: e.g., dilated or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
- Valvular Heart Disease: conditions such as aortic stenosis or mitral regurgitation.
- Arrhythmias: persistent atrial fibrillation or ventricular arrhythmias.
Heart failure involves the following mechanisms:
- Decreased Cardiac Output: impaired ability to pump blood effectively.
- Neurohormonal Activation: activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and sympathetic nervous system exacerbates fluid retention and vasoconstriction.
- Ventricular Remodeling: structural changes in the heart lead to worsening function.
Risk Factors
Key risk factors include:
- Hypertension and ischaemic heart disease.
- Diabetes and obesity.
- Smoking and alcohol misuse.
- Family history of cardiomyopathies.
- Chronic kidney disease.
Signs and Symptoms
Heart failure presents with a variety of symptoms and signs:
- Dyspnoea: breathlessness on exertion or at rest.
- Orthopnoea: breathlessness when lying flat.
- Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnoea: sudden breathlessness during sleep.
- Peripheral Oedema: swelling in the lower limbs.
- Fatigue: persistent tiredness and reduced exercise tolerance.
- Elevated Jugular Venous Pressure (JVP):
Figure 1: Elevated JVP in a patient with heart failure.
Key investigations include:
- Clinical Symptoms and Signs: initial assessment includes recognising symptoms such as dyspnoea and fatigue.
- Blood Tests:
- Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP):
- BNP <100 ng/L: Heart failure unlikely.
- BNP 100–400 ng/L: Referral to heart failure clinic within 6 weeks.
- BNP >400 ng/L: Urgent referral within 2 weeks.
- Renal Function and Electrolytes: check for kidney involvement and medication side effects.
- Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP):
- Chest X-ray: findings include cardiomegaly, pulmonary oedema, and Kerley B lines.
- Echocardiography: assess ejection fraction and structural abnormalities.

Figure 2: Major signs and symptoms of heart failure.
1. Acute Management
- Oxygen Therapy: for hypoxia.
- Diuretics: furosemide or bumetanide to relieve fluid overload. Common starting dose 40mg OD in the morning or BD if severe (morning/midday) alternative Bumetanide 1mg OD
- Nitrates: acute pulmonary oedema to reduce preload.
2. Chronic Management
- ACE Inhibitors: e.g., ramipril to reduce afterload and improve cardiac function.
- Beta-blockers: e.g., bisoprolol for rate control and neurohormonal modulation.
- Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists: e.g., spironolactone for patients with reduced ejection fraction.
- SGLT2 Inhibitors: e.g., dapagliflozin for additional benefit in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.
3. Specialist Referral
Referral to a heart failure clinic is essential for optimisation of medical therapy and monitoring.
Patient Advice
Key advice includes:
- Maintain a low-sodium diet and avoid excess fluid intake.
- Take prescribed medications consistently.
- Engage in regular light exercise as tolerated.
- Report worsening symptoms such as weight gain, increased dyspnoea, or swelling.

Figure 3: Pitting oedema in a patient with heart failure.
- James Heilman, MD (2009). Elevated Jugular Venous Pressure [Image]. Available at: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4d/Elevated_JVP.JPG (Accessed: 30 December 2024).
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (2008). Signs and Symptoms of Heart Failure [Image]. Available at: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Heartfailure.jpg (Accessed: 30 December 2024).
- James Heilman, MD (2009). Pitting Oedema in Heart Failure [Image]. Available at: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/84/Combinpedal.jpg (Accessed: 30 December 2024).